Jay Kaufmann

Jay Kaufmann works to make the digital stuff in your life usable and enjoyable.

He currently runs his own User Experience consultancy. For more buzzwords like information architecture, interaction design, and customer experience strategy, see Jay's professional UX bio.

Way back when, Jay also worked as a graphic designer, circus artist, translator (German to English) and arts administrator. He studied literature at Earlham College (BA 1990) and sculpture at the University of Washington (BFA 1996). For the complete story, see Jay's long curriculum vitae.

Jay is a father of 2, uncle of 4, cousin of 28 and husband of 1. He grew up in the Midwest of the United States, spent 11 years in Seattle and has been based in Berlin, Germany since 2002.

Looking for Jay? You will find Mr. Kaufmann's professional profile on LinkedIn or Xing. Jay's personal side occasionally sees the light of day on Facebook. @jaykaufmann has yet to give a tweat. We'll see how Google Buzz looks.

As you guessed, you can also e-mail Jay at Jay Kaufmann dot com. Or Jay Kaufmann as one word at Gmail. Or Jay Kaufmann at Synapse Studio. It all lands in one place, so please use just one.

Photo by William Schmidt Jr.

jaykaufmann.com | Jay Kaufmann's homepage. Just this one. That's all there is.